内地与香港更紧密经贸关系安排the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA)
公共开支public expenditure/public spending
Having public spending consistently exceeding the rate of economic growth is a departure from the principle of small government we have always promoted.
advocate the laissez faire credo
日本央行Bank of Japan
世界贸易组织World Trade Organization
主要指针key indicators
He said the effects on the local economy of global oil prices, rising interest rates in the United States and macroeconomic adjustments on the mainland remained uncertain.
出口导向的经济体系export-led economies
加快香港与珠江三角洲的经济融合speed up economic integration with the PRD
加快经济改革进程accelerate the process of economic reform
加息raise interest rates
加强和内地的经济和社会联系cement economic and social ties with the mainland
加强粤港两地的商贸联系strengthen business liaison between Hong Kong and Guangdong
加强与内地其它省市的双边合作foster bilateral co-operation with other Mainland provinces and cities
加强与国内联系strengthen ties with mainland
加速开放国内市场accelerated the opening of the mainland market
外向型经济externally-oriented economy
外围因素external factors
外汇基金Exchange Fund
外汇基金投资公司Exchange Fund Investment
本地生产总值gross domestic product (GDP)
The fundamentals of the city's economy have not improved.
The economy would rely on local consumption for the next six months
正常经济活动normal economic activities
Democracy promotes economic growth.
在七十年代开始实行经济现代化embarked on economic modernization in the '70s
在经济高增长年代during the high-growth years
旨在防止经济过热aimed at preventing the economy from overheating
有形出口/进口visible exports/imports; Visible exports are goods, as opposed to services, that are sold to other countries.
自由贸易特区a special free-trade zone
占GDP不足百分之六constitutes less than 6 per cent of gross domestic product
冷却经济之余却不会失去改革动力/减慢改革步伐tame the economy without sacrificing the reform momentum
利用所有市场活动范围took advantage of all market niches
努力在现有基础上强化我们在金融、物流、旅游和工商业支持服务四个经济主要支柱的优势reinforce our strengths in our four main economic pillars - finance, logistics, tourism and producer services sectors
宏观调控措施macroeconomic control measures
I don't expect the interest rate rises to have any big effect on the Hong Kong economy.
把日本二零零三年的经济增长预测从百分之零点八提升至百分之二revising its projected 2003 economic-growth rate for Japan from 0.8% to 2.0%
把本年度的预期经济增长调高至百分之三raised the growth forecast for this year's gross domestic product to 3 per cent
But there's no indication that any of this will crimp overall economic development over the next few months.
防止再度出现经济过热和投资无度的情况prevent a return of economic overheating and runaway investment
防止经济过热to rein in its overheated economy
防止钢铁业增长过急curb runaway growth in the steel industry
其它收入来源other sources of revenue
China's policymakers may lack the monetary tools to engineer a soft landing.
协助香港和珠三角进一步融合facilitate Hong Kong's further integration with the Pearl River Delta region
协助商界开拓市场helping the business sector to develop new markets
承担一切基建及土地费用factored in all infrastructure and land costs
泛珠三角地区pan-Pearl River Delta regions
泛珠三角区域合作与发展论坛Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Co-operation and Development Forum
股市和楼市复苏the recovery of the stock market and the property market
Economic indicators in recent months have set alarm bells ringing.
For months, there has been much debate about whether the economy is overheating.
In recent months, fears that the economy is overheating have grown.
阻止热钱流入银行体系stem the flow of "hot money" into the banking system
促进中港经济融合advance Hong Kong's economic integration with the rest of China
促进粤港两地合作promote co-operation between Hong Kong and Guangdong
促进经济发展improve economic development
宣布把来年经济增长目标定为百分之七announce a seven per cent economic growth target for the year
建立了新的全球经济秩序established a new global economic order
In May, the Government forecast three per cent yearly economic growth, down from the four per cent predicted in the March budget.
The government recently revised upwards its forecast for gross domestic product growth this year to 7 per cent.
政府经济顾问邓广尧government economist Tang Kwong-yiu
The deal is the second stage of the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (Cepa), and eliminates import quotas on a further 713 product categories.
The accord also grants preferential access to the mainland for eight new services, and increases liberalisation for a further 11. It brings to 26 the number of service sectors covered by Cepa.
为低度开发的珠江西岸吸引新的投资opening up the underdeveloped region west of the Pearl River to new investment
为我们的经济带来数以十亿元计的经济收益bring billions of dollars of economic benefit to our economy
为珠江三角洲一带的港商提供更佳支持provide better support services for Hong Kong businesses in the PRD
为过热的产业降温cool overheated sectors
美国联邦储备局主席格林斯潘US Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan
Hong Kong's $113 billion in currency reserves are not in any immediate danger of running out.
Hong Kong still had substantial foreign reserves to fall back on.
香港的生活指数自1998年以来下降了15%. The cost of living in Hong Kong had fallen by about 15 per cent since 1998.
香港金融管理局总裁任志刚Hong Kong Monetary Authority chief executive, Joseph Yam Chi-kwong
The city risked losing its status as an international financial centre if it failed to change with the times.
Several major Hong Kong companies posted firm results for the first half yesterday, confirming that the recovery in the economy continues largely undeterred by tightening measures on the mainland and surging oil prices.
The benchmark Hang Seng Index is at its highest level since mid-2001 while property prices have bounced 20 per cent since hitting bottom in the first half of last year.
倚重半导体工业heavily dependent on the semi-conductor industry
浪费公帑的建设计划construction boondoggles
消费物价指数consumer price index
特许公认会计师公会The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants(ACCA)
Airlines and the retailing sector would be most affected.
Financial Secretary Henry Tang Ying-yen said on Monday the economy would not be "significantly affected" by the recent outbreak of avian flu.
国民生产总值gross national product (GNP)
国际收支差额balance of payments (n); Britain's balance of payments is up this month because of increased exports./Balance of payments is the difference between the amount of money coming into a country from the goods and services it exports, and the amount of money going out for the goods and services it imports. Balance of trade is the difference in value between the visible exports (goods and services) and visible imports of a country.
国际信贷评级机构international credit ratings agencies
International credit rating agency Standard & Poor's upgraded its long-term outlook on the Hong Kong dollar from negative to stable.
国际贸易差额balance of trade (n)/trade gap; Balance of payments is the difference between the amount of money coming into a country from the goods and services it exports, and the amount of money going out for the goods and services it imports. Balance of trade is the difference in value between the visible exports (goods and services) and visible imports of a country. /The country has had a balance of trade deficit since 1982./a growing/large/narrowing/widening trade gap
国际贸易逆差trade deficit
国际贸易顺差trade surplus
坚持审慎理财和小政府的方针adhere steadfastly to the philosophy of small government with prudent fiscal management
基建项目an infrastructure project
Mr Zhang also spelled out the division of labour between Guangdong and Hong Kong in the next two decades.
推动本土经济promote the local community economy
推动香港与珠江三角洲的经济合作promote economic co-operation between Hong Kong and the PRD region
推动这个僵化的国家走上资本主义道路could start the sclerotic state on the capitalist road
推动经济转型promote economic restructuring
第四大贸易国the 4th-largest trading nation
符合邓小平经济改革的一步a move relevant to Deng's economic reforms
This is the age of economic globalization.
The many opportunities in the region will provide a new impetus for Hong Kong's economy, relieve economic slowdown and create more jobs.
通胀压力the inflationary pressures
最自由经济美誉freest economy crown
Creativity is the lifeblood of a service economy.
博奕理论game theory
博鳌亚洲论坛Boao Forum For Asia
就业数据employment data
提供五亿元贷款资助该计划provide a $500 million loan to fund the project
Mr Tsang is perhaps best known for his intervention in the stock market in August 1998 when he spent $120 billion fending off speculators during the Asian financial crisis.
减少对出口的依赖reduce dependence on exports
无形出口/进口invisible exports/imports; Invisible exports are services such as banking, insurance and tourism that are sent from one country to another.
硬着陆hard landing
进一步开放国内市场予外商increases foreign access to the domestic market
开放各行各业liberalise various sectors
开发珠三角西部developing the western part of the PRD
汇丰调低2001年香港经济增长预测,由原来的百分之2.2调低至百分之1.8. HSBC has cut its 2001 growth forecast for Hong Kong to 1.8 per cent from 2.2 per cent.
粤港两地合作Guangdong-Hong Kong co-operation
经济火车头economic engine
经济成长的泉源a wellspring of growth
经济局局长叶树the Secretary for Economic Services, Stephen Ip Shu-kwan
经济改革economic reform
经济命脉the economy's lifeblood
经济奇迹/经济奇迹economic miracle
经济城市an economic city
经济指针economic indicators
经济重建economic reconstruction
The economy is at a take-off stage.
经济问题economic problems
经济第一或经济挂帅的方法an economy-first or economy-only approach
经济数据economic data
经济环境economic conditions
经济顾问economic adviser
The bank also revised upwards its forecast for gross domestic product growth this year, from 5.5 per cent to 7 per cent.
资源贫乏的国家resource-poor country
Hong Kong has benefited tremendously from the Mainland's economic growth over the past two decades.
Over the past quarter-century, Hong Kong played a pivotal role in the rapid development of the Pearl River Delta into a thriving manufacturing base.
China's economy is forecast to grow by 7.4 per cent this year and 7.2 per cent next year. The mainland is largely insulated from the global downturn by its mostly closed economy and strong domestic demand.
The government is expected to downgrade its forecast for economic growth this year.
对该计划融资bankroll the project
尽用CEPA的好处fully exploit the advantages brought by the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement
维护自由经济体制upholding our system of free enterprise
调低中国经济增长预测downgrading China's growth outlook
整体经济增长overall economic growth
Following China's accession to the World Trade Organisation, co-operation between Hong Kong and Guangdong will rise to new heights.
扩大合作范围expand the scope of co-operation
简化内地企业来港经营的程序streamlining the procedures for Mainland enterprises to set up business in Hong Kong
旧有的经济模式the old economic model
转亏为盈restore fiscal balance/has returned to the black
离岸贸易offshore trade
竞逐成为该区的国际金融中心vie for the position of the region's international financial centre
In the light of the favourable internal and external conditions, the Financial Secretary has earlier revised upward his forecast of Hong Kong's economic growth in real terms for the year 2000 to 8.5%.
一次过退回差饷a one-off rate rebate for property owners
入息税income tax
不加税no tax hikes
手头紧is strapped for cash
以营运基金运作operating as a trading fund
He has shied away from introducing more radical changes to address the structural problems that afflict Hong Kong's tax system
加税和开征新税来增加收入raised taxes and introduced new ones to boost revenue
可享有税务优惠could enjoy tax concessions
用者自付原则the user-pays principle
The moves will cost the Government $400 million in revenue, based on a three per cent rise officials had suggested might be sought.
申请暂缓缴税asked for their salary tax bills to be deferred
印花税stamp duty
Leading political parties expressed strong opposition yesterday to the introduction of a sales tax in the next financial year, claiming it would hurt the recovering economy.
A gambling tax in Hong Kong contributes significantly to government coffers.
自由港/免税港a free port